Tag: referral

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Christopher ‘Kit’ Sturgess

    RCVS council election manifesto: Christopher ‘Kit’ Sturgess


    Kit Sturgess.

    MA, VetMB, PhD, CertVR, CertVC, DSAM, MRCVS

    39 New Forest Drive, Brockenhurst, Hampshire SO42 7QT.

    T 01590 623033

    M 07974 017303

    E kit@vetfreedom.com

    PROPOSERS: Rob Lowe, Gerry Polton

    I qualified from the University of Cambridge in 1986 and spent six years in first-opinion practice, moving from mixed through equine to 100 per cent small animals. During this time, I gained my certificate in radiology.

    My desire to “know more” brought me back to university where I spent the next 10 years at the University of Bristol and the RVC gaining my PhD, certificate in cardiology and diploma in small animal medicine.

    Following a brief period in industry, I worked in private referral practice for seven years. During this time, I set up a small animal referral centre that rapidly expanded year on year to meet the demand for the service we provided from general practitioners.

    Since 2012, I have been 60 per cent clinical work, allowing more time to spend with my young family and pursue my other interests within the veterinary profession, particularly education and support for general practitioners through the RCVS council, the BSAVA, supporting candidates for the newer modular certificate, responding to case enquiries and providing CPD.

    I am an RCVS recognised specialist in small animal medicine and an advanced practitioner in veterinary cardiology. I have lectured worldwide to the complete spectrum of the veterinary profession, as well as writing peer-reviewed articles and textbooks.


    Working with the RCVS council and staff over the past three years, I have encountered a dedicated, fascinating and rewarding group of people with a vast range of different skills, experience and knowledge.

    On council, my main focus has been on education, particularly developing and launching the advanced practitioner status. This has been very successful and will prove a major force in bringing clarity to further professional qualifications. Beyond this, the Vet Futures and the Mind Matters Initiative are exciting projects and I am keen to continue to be involved. With my broad background and experience of most areas of the profession, I feel I can bring a valuable perspective to these discussions.

    Since qualifying 30 years ago, the profession has changed hugely and this rate of change is increasing as new technologies and ways of communicating become available in a 24/7 world. The RCVS has adopted a forward-looking, proactive strategy I would like to support and help develop, ensuring there remains focus on a number of key elements that are core to the profession:

    • Communicating our skills as veterinary surgeons and scientists to the general public and government.
    • Maintaining robust, lifelong learning through achievable further professional qualifications and outcome-based CPD.
    • Promoting the health and welfare of the veterinary profession as a whole, so it remains vigorous and vibrant and continues to attract great people to work in it.
    • Ensuring governance of the RCVS continues to develop so it is transparent, accessible, relevant and responsive to our current, rapidly changing world.

    My CV clearly shows I have broad experience of the profession and have retained strong links with general practice. Allied to this, I understand the needs of veterinary education, research and business as well as the importance of good governance and forward planning.

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin

    RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin


    Lucie Goodwin.

    BVetMed, DipACVIM, MRCVS

    Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, The Manor House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PB.

    T 01626 355655

    M 07834 784385

    E lucie.mrcvs@gmail.com

    PROPOSERS: Katherine Hall, Hayley Mitchell

    I graduated from the RVC in 2004 and spent the following two years working in a busy small animal hospital in Bristol. Having been firmly bitten by the medicine bug, I returned to the RVC in 2006 to undertake an internship and, subsequently, a residency in small animal medicine.

    Following completion of my residency, I returned to the west country to work for the University of Bristol and Langford Veterinary Services as a teaching fellow and internal medicine clinician. I worked at Langford for a very enjoyable two-and-a-half years, before taking a short career break to help to establish the charity Brighter Bristol.

    Since qualifying, I have also had experience of working in the veterinary charity sector and private referral hospitals, both in the UK and US. In my current position as an internal medicine consultant for Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, I am able to combine my enjoyment of veterinary internal medicine with a role that allows me to offer support to practitioners with their cases.

    Outside of work, I love to travel and enjoy being creative. I also continue to volunteer for a number of charities in the Bristol area.


    Like all vets, I have worked hard to become a member of the RCVS and am incredibly proud to be so. With ongoing challenges facing us, these really are exciting times for our profession and, as members, we should be engaged with our college to help create and shape our preferred future.

    Having worked in a variety of clinical and academic settings, it is of no doubt to me a happy, healthy vet makes a good vet. As a role that has significant emotional and physical demands, it is no wonder a recent survey of BVA members reported reducing stress was the single highest priority for many. I believe there needs to be a culture change within the profession to support mental health and well-being, and the launch of the RCVS Mind Matters Initiative must be applauded as there is much work to be done to provide support to our members.

    Veterinary education needs to meet the demands of the modern profession and it is essential the college reflects and promotes all aspects of veterinary work. It is alarming half of the vets surveyed who graduated within the last eight years reported their careers had not matched their expectations (reference: Vet Futures). Action must be taken to ensure we meet their aspirations and do not lose the skills of these highly qualified individuals.

    I am passionate about the advancement of knowledge within veterinary science, particularly making use of evidence-based medicine and clinical governance. With a number of groups promoting these in practice, there is great potential for input from all areas of the profession.

    If elected, I promise to contribute an enthusiastic and progressive voice to council and I would consider it a privilege to serve the veterinary community in this way.

  • ‘Real’ doctors

    Doctor in white
    Image ©iStockphoto.com/Alfsky

    Everyone knows that there’s an ancient feud between vet and medical students. Glasgow is no exception – only the other day, I had a heated debate on the topic with another student (who, annoyingly,  wasn’t even a medic).

    While, for the most part, it’s just friendly banter, there is some truth in both arguments.

    A doctor will usually have one area of focus and will spend his whole career becoming more and more specialised in that particular field, whereas a vet will be the GP, surgeon, physio, neurologist and much more for several different species, not just one. As a first year student, it’s sometimes a little scary and overwhelming to think about the broad spectrum of knowledge we need to gain in just five years.

    When the medics graduate, they’ll become junior doctors and from then on will begin narrowing down their fields of interest until eventually finding themselves as “left toe specialists”, or something. In 4.5 years, we’ll be let loose into the world of veterinary and, at the end of day one, will have probably already spayed a cat, pregnancy tested a few cows and euthanised a dog, with a rabbit or bird thrown in somewhere too.

    Not only are the medics likely to be more specialised than us, they also “go further” than we do in terms of treatment. In my interview for Glasgow vet school two years ago, after expressing an interest in orthopaedics, I was asked the ethical question: “How far is too far?”

    The Bionic Vet
    The Bionic Vet

    I didn’t really have an answer but tried to reason my way through it, discussing things like kidney transplants in cats in America and The Bionic Vet, and came to the conclusion that every case must be treated individually, having weighed up the pros and cons of “heroic treatments” in each situation.

    Now I realise that these heroic treatments are fairly uncommon in the veterinary world. Kidney transplants, for example, which are routine in medicine, are non-existent in veterinary in the UK. Is this a consequence of lack of funding and resources or lack of experience and knowledge in the field? Probably a little of both.

    The GP vet will play the role of all these specialised fields to some extent (some being more qualified to do so than others). While we can specialise and work in referral practices, the average mixed or small animal vet will find themselves becoming a “Jack of all trades and master of none”.

    Does that make us more intelligent than the medics, or just more well-rounded? Is it better to have a broad spectrum of knowledge and practical skills or to be very skilled at a few specific procedures?