Tag: palpation

  • Focus on GDV, part 2: releasing the pressure

    Focus on GDV, part 2: releasing the pressure

    Last week we covered IV fluid resuscitation and pain relief. This week we will go into more detail about gastric decompression.

    stomach tube
    Passing the stomach tube inside the roll down into the oesophagus (click to zoom).

    Gastric decompression can be achieved in two ways:

    1. trocarisation
    2. stomach tube (orogastric tube) placement

    The decision on which method to use depends on many factors – personal preferences, past experiences and clinical protocols, to name a few.

    So, which one is best? A retrospective analysis of 116 gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV) patients (Goodrich et al, 2013) found both methods of gastric decompression had low complication and high success rates, and either technique is acceptable.

    If one method fails to achieve gastric decompression, the other can be tried.

    How to decide

    Personally, I use either or sometimes both. Which one I choose first depends on the situation. My decision-making process goes something like this:

    Not clinically obvious or mild GDV

    These are often diagnosed based on supportive radiographic findings as history and presenting clinical signs making me suspicious of a GDV.

    I would always try to pass a stomach tube in these patients first, as the tube is passes easier when the gastric distention is milder. Although this procedure generally requires prior opioid analgesia administration to help reduce the stress, it can achieve rapid and lasting decompression of the stomach.

    I often leave the tube in throughout stabilisation, just prior to induction of anaesthesia for surgical correction of the torsion. The tube allows continual release of gastric gases that can accumulate again rapidly if the tube is removed prior to surgery.

    Obvious or severe GDV

    The abdomen in these animals is often distended and tympanic. I will perform trocarisation in these cases first, as passing a stomach tube in these patients is often unsuccessful. It allows rapid gastric decompression, which is particularly important in cases with evidence of respiratory compromise.

    After the trocar is no longer releasing gas, I will then pass a stomach tube. At this stage, it is often easier to pass the stomach tube once the gastric pressure has been reduced. Once again, I often leave the tube in during stabilisation.

    How to perform

    Stomach tube

    • The main risk is rupture of the oesophagus or gastric wall.
    • Pre-measure and mark the tube from the mouth to the level of the last rib.
    • Use a roll of adhesive bandaging material as the mouth gag. I prefer to use Elastoplast as it has an incompressible plastic core and the diameter is just large enough to fit our largest diameter stomach tube.
    • Unwrap approximately 30cm of Elastoplast before placing the roll of tape inside the mouth.
    • Wrap the tape snugly around the muzzle to prevent the dog from opening its mouth and dislodging the roll.
    • Lubricate the tube to reduce frictional trauma to the oesophagus.
    • Pass the stomach tube through the core of roll and into the mouth. You will feel a dead end at the level of the lower oesophageal sphincter, where the volvulus has torsed the oesophagus.
    • Apply gentle constant pressure and, most times, the tube will pass through into the stomach. Sometimes a puff of gas can be heard and felt from the aboral end of the tube when it enters the stomach. The tube can also be palpated when the stomach is decompressed.
    • The tube is taped to the muzzle to prevent dislodgement and the aboral end placed in a bucket to allow fluid to exit via gravity and siphon.
    • If it does not pass, reassess to see if trocarisation is required to relieve some pressure in the stomach

    As mentioned above, I generally leave the stomach tube in while continuing to stabilise the patient and prepare for surgery. Gas can rapidly accumulate in the stomach and cause rapid deterioration if the tube is not left in. The tube is removed just prior to induction of anaesthesia.

    Placing a roll in the mouth to prevent biting down on the stomach tube.


    • The main risk is hitting the spleen while trying trocarisation. To avoid this, identify the most tympanic site by palpation, or use the ultrasound to confirm the absence of the spleen.
    • A 3in, 14g catheter is usually sufficient.
    • Clip and surgically prep a 10cm by 10cm area where you intend to place the catheter.
    • Insert the catheter to the hub and remove the stylet.
    • Although local anaesthetic in the area is ideal, you will not have time to do this in most cases – especially the very unstable ones. Also, since I administer pure opioid agonist intravenously to most confirmed GDV cases on presentation, local anaesthetic is not required.
    • Remove the stylet and gas should come blowing out under pressure.
    • Once the gas flow starts to slow down, gently apply inward pressure or pressure on the dilated stomach, which helps ensure the stylet does not fall out of the stomach and as much of the gas is removed as possible.

    >>> Read Focus on GDV, part 3: surgery tips

  • Temporary catheters in obstructed FLUTDs: buying time with a blocked cat

    Temporary catheters in obstructed FLUTDs: buying time with a blocked cat

    Obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a common presentation in both general practice and emergency settings.

    Every clinician has his or her own approach to treating and managing a cat with obstructive FLUTD signs. Working in an emergency setting, once I have confirmed an obstructed bladder via palpation, I focus on trying to relieve the obstruction as quickly as possible.

    The first step is obtaining consent from the client to administer pain relief (an opioid IV or IM), place an IV catheter, collect blood for biochemistry, electrolyte and blood gas analysis, and temporarily relieve the obstruction.

    At our hospital, we achieve temporary relief of the obstruction generally within 15 minutes of patient arrival.


    blocked cat
    Obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease is a common presentation in general practice.

    We do this in three steps:

    1. Assess the tip of the penis, occasionally a crystal/mucus plug is all that is blocking the penis.
    2. If this is not the case, I pass a pre-lubricated 22g IV catheter tip (without the stylet) into the penis with a 10ml syringe, containing 0.9% NaCl, connected for hydropropulsion. In the vast majority of cases, this helps to dislodge the urethral blockage enough to enable some urine to pass (urination suggests active urination by the cat).
    3. Once urine is flowing, I pass a 12cm or 14cm rigid catheter, tape it to the tail and leave it in place to allow constant drainage.

    If the 22g IV catheter does not relieve the obstruction, I would use a rigid catheter and progressively advance it up the urethra while hydropropulsing with the saline the entire time. Once unblocked, then I will tape it to the tail as aforementioned.

    Quick Tip: Once you have the catheter in the tip of the penis, pull the prepuce straight out to straighten the penis and thus the penile urethra. Otherwise, the bend in the penile urethra may hinder the passage of the catheter.


    The benefits I see of placing a temporary urinary catheter include:

    • immediate relief to the patient and reduces their stress levels
    • provides a sample for urinalysis
    • allows you time to run through the diagnostic and treatment plan in more detail with clients
    • buys you time to stabilise the patient for their anaesthetic later to place a closed system indwelling urinary catheter and then bladder lavage

    Quite often, your patient would present unwell enough that you should have no issues (resistance to) passing this temporary urinary catheter, provided you have given pain relief on presentation.

    In fractious patients, I usually forgo the temporary catheter and focus on stabilising the patient. The aim is to have them stable as soon as possible for sedation or a general anaesthesia to place a longer indwelling urinary catheter.

  • Needle aspirate subcutaneous masses

    Cytology of a mast cell tumor from a Labrador retriever at a magnification of 1,000x. By Joel Mills (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5-2.0-1.0)], via Wikimedia Commons.
    Cytology of a mast cell tumor from a Labrador retriever at a magnification of 1,000x. Image by Joel Mills [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons.
    Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a valuable tool in subcutaneous skin masses.

    We have all had those lumps that, on palpation, you are sure are lipomas (being soft, freely mobile and slow growing). Indeed, the vast majority are just such benign problems – however, it is worth aspirating them to be sure.

    Felt like lipoma

    We recently had a case in a nine-year-old Labrador with a soft subcutaneous mass the owner had been aware of for a month. It felt just like a lipoma.

    On checking the lump again two weeks later, this had got noticeably bigger. FNAs of the mass revealed the presence of a mast cell tumour.

    Following excision with good 3cm margins, the Lab went on to make a full recovery.

  • Check out pad wounds thoroughly

    A veterinary nurse treats a paw wound on a large dog.
    A veterinary nurse treats a paw wound on a large dog. Image ©iStock/Mypurgatoryyears

    Last Saturday I had a “walk in” – a very cute spaniel that was limping slightly and had a cut pad. The owner thought she might have trodden on something.

    A good palpation didn’t seem to suggest the presence of any foreign body and the dog was very stoical. My previous experiences suggest any foreign material produces a lot of pain that is exacerbated by palpation – sometimes with dramatic effect!

    However, the insistence of the owner made me look closer and I could just see a glint of a firm object deeply embedded in the pad. A pair of rat toothed forceps later and I extracted a 5mm slither of glass from the pad.

    The result was a happy dog and owner, but oh – I could so easily have sent that poor dog away!