Tag: feline

  • Could I have a pet at university?

    Missing her cats, Jordan ponders the feasibility of owning a pet while at university.
    Missing her cats, Jordan ponders the feasibility of owning a pet while at university.

    I’ve always had cats at home, and they often played the role of revision buddy/lap warmer. That was one of the things I missed most when I first went to university.

    Pets aren’t allowed in student halls, but now that I live in a flat with other vet students, pet ownership becomes a possibility (landlord permitting).

    As a student, I meticulously budget in order to ensure I eat well, am able to enjoy myself and get some travelling in without blowing all of my cash the first week that student loan comes in. But even with this amount of planning, could I find some spare to pay to feed a cat as well as myself? Probably. Could I find the money if something went wrong, if said cat needed lifetime insulin or thyroxine treatment or broke a limb in a road traffic accident? Probably not.

    Pet insurance would extinguish the worry surrounding the “what ifs”, and I do know other students with pets that are insured. Even then, premiums that cover long-term conditions come at a fair price, and I wouldn’t want to find myself in a financial position forcing me to cancel insurance and risk my pet requiring costly treatment.

    Money is not the only commitment that you make to a pet though. The other major consideration is time – although this is more of a concern with dogs, which require a greater time commitment than cats.

    I often feel that owning a dog would be excellent stress relief, but as idillic as dog walking seems, could I commit several hours a day, every day, including around exam time?

    "As idillic as dog walking seems, could I commit several hours a day, every day, including around exam time?"Even if I could commit the time while I’m around, I know that I don’t stay permanently in one place. For the majority of the time I’m in Glasgow, but during the holidays I’m at home (Leicestershire), on EMS or travelling. Who would look after the pet then? Since I live with vets, they have similarly busy lifestyles and it would be unfair to expect them to pet-sit while I’m away.

    And what would happen when I graduate? I don’t know where I’ll be living, where my first job might take me, or whether it will be feasible to take a pet along for the ride.

    An alternative to pet owning is fostering. The Glasgow branch of Cats Protection has recently advertised their fostering service to vet students at Glasgow. The fostering scheme encourages taking on a cat, with bedding, litter and food provided. They will provide all veterinary care and will even take back the cats if you go on holiday.

    I think fostering is a great way of caring for cats without a lot of the concerns outlined above, and perhaps the only option I’d consider while at university with regards to pets. As much as I’d love to own a pet in Glasgow, I think it would be unfair on the animal if I could not offer the money and time to give it a great quality if life.

    It’s unfortunate that many people do not undertake greater consideration when deciding to own a pet. Perhaps many of the day-to-day ethical issues faced in practice could be avoided if they did.

  • PCV and blood transfusions

    Red blood cells
    Image © iStock.com/Yakobchuk

    There are no specific packed cell volume guidelines as to when to transfuse an animal with red blood cell containing products.

    The decision to transfuse is based on the clinical condition of the patient and the chronicity of the anaemia.

    For example, a cat with chronic non-regenerative anaemia due to bone marrow disease may be stable with a PCV of 10%, whereas a cat with acute haemorrhage due to a RTA could be very unstable with a PCV of 15% and in need of emergency blood transfusion.

  • It takes balls to neuter

    Sterilising a dog
    A close up of a vet performing sterilisation surgery on a dog. Image ©iStockphoto.com/Dan-Edwards

    As graduates, one of the most routine surgeries that we will be expected to be competent at is neutering. As students, when on work experience or EMS, we will have seen at least one of these procedures a day at small or mixed practices… often more.

    But routine does not necessarily mean easy, simple or without risk. When learning about reproductive anatomy, we were faced with a harsh truth: the concept of spaying is actually fairly terrifying, particularly as there is a considerable risk of a bitch bleeding to death.

    Spaying is not to be underestimated. Among the usual complications and risks involved in the use of general anaesthetic, there are also a few scary blood vessels to worry about.

    During the surgery, it is necessary for both pairs of ovarian and uterine arteries to be cut. It is of vital importance that these are ligatured (tied off) securely to prevent the likelihood of internal bleeding post-surgery. Neither of these are to be underestimated – the ovarian arteries are particularly important to ligature properly, since they branch directly from the aorta. A slipped ligature could result in serious problems, and could potentially result in the patient bleeding to death.

    The concept of spaying is actually fairly terrifying, particularly as there is a considerable risk of a bitch bleeding to death.Clients should always be made aware of surgical risks and all eventualities, but I would imagine that the last thing an owner would expect after taking their dog or cat to be neutered would be the death of their beloved pet post-surgery.

    This is quite a daunting prospect for the “most routine” surgery in practice. You can’t afford to be complacent – you really do have to get it right.

    As an avid traveller, I had always intended on getting involved in a neutering clinic in India for EMS, even before learning just how risky neutering can be if not done properly. Now, I will make sure to realise that aim, in order to get as much surgical practise as possible before graduating. Hopefully, it will help boost my confidence, so that I won’t be as concerned as I am currently about this “routine” surgery by the time I am a qualified vet.

  • Peripheral neuropathy in diabetic cats

    Peripheral neuropathy is the most common chronic complication of diabetes in cats.

    This degenerative disorder typically affects the hindlegs, causing weakness, loss of coordination, inability to jump and a plantigrade stance.

    No specific therapy for peripheral neuropathy in cats is available, but intensive blood glucose control decreases the risk and improves clinical signs in humans.

    Similarly, aggressive adjustment of insulin therapy may improve nerve function and reverse hindleg weakness and abnormal stance in diabetic cats. However, a cat’s response to the therapy varies and aggressive insulin management can, of course, increase the risk of hypoglycaemia.


    Video uploaded to YouTube by www.vetstoronto.com

  • Role play… at vet school?

    client communication
    Image © iStockphoto.com/DenGuy

    A role play class with professional actors brought in to help out would be commonplace on a course such as drama, and may sound a little odd for veterinary medicine. But is it really?

    Communication is a vital part of being a vet and can often be the “make or break” factor for client satisfaction. Often, owners won’t have any concept of your surgical skills or medical knowledge, but they will know instantly whether they trust their animals in your care within minutes of meeting you simply from the way you communicate.

    The class uses realistic scenarios with different types of “client” (the actors) that we are likely to come across in practice. These involved breaking the news that a pet has to be euthanised, dealing with tight horse owners that just think you’re trying to rip them off, and discussing alternative treatments for someone struggling to tablet their cat.

    Sometimes, it can be difficult if you don’t know enough about the condition the animals has in your scenario, but the important thing is how you convey the information, not necessarily the content of what you are saying.

    On the whole, the students got stuck in and enjoyed themselves. It was interesting to see how different students took different angles on the same scenario, proving there isn’t just one way to communicate effectively. The actors and supervising vet also gave us pointers on body language and tone of voice.

    Years ago, veterinary graduates were thrown into practice with very limited guidance on communication, which must have been terrifying. The interactive sessions give us the chance to make mistakes in an artificial environment, so that we (hopefully) won’t make them in the real world.

    I found the session incredibly helpful and think that communication is an immensely important skill to develop in order to give us the best chance at getting on with our clients in the future. Sessions like this should become a fundamental component of any veterinary course.

  • Thromboembolism in cats

    Blood clot
    Blood clot © iStockphoto.com/Robocop

    Thromboembolism is a severe uncommon complicating condition in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats. It can cause acute pain and various clinical signs, such as loss of function of the hind limbs (most commonly, although other organs or limbs can be affected).

    Although treatment to break down or remove the clot is available, the high treatment costs of the procedure, death during administration of the drugs and high recurrence rate of thromboembolism dissuades many from therapy.

    With supportive care, about 40-50% of patients with thromboembolic disease will break down clots on their own and regain limb function over time. However, despite the best medical efforts to prevent their reoccurrence, a cat that has survived a thromboembolic event has a significant risk of developing another over the following weeks to months.

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats – prognosis

    The prognosis of a cat with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is highly variable. Some cats may develop only mild hypertrophy and suffer little compromise of heart function, while others progress to more severe disease.

    Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by BruceBlaus
    [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    HCM may worsen quickly over a period of months, or it may progress slowly over several years. Its severity may not change for many years and then suddenly worsen. Some cats with HCM die very suddenly, even though they had no clinical signs of heart disease. It is the most common cause for spontaneous death in indoor cats.

    A cat with mild to moderate disease may enjoy an essentially normal life for a number of years. However, the prognosis is much more guarded once the cat has more severe disease.

    The risk of developing congestive heart failure is proportional to disease severity, which is often classified by measuring wall thicknesses and left atrial size. Although congestive heart failure can be treated medically, severe heart failure may become difficult to manage over time as the disease progresses.

    The prognosis for a cat with heart failure, unfortunately, is guarded to poor. On average, survival for cats with HCM and heart failure is 12-18 months after diagnosis.

  • Use of hydrogen peroxide to flush abscesses

    Hydrogen peroxide
    A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is commonly used as a wound antiseptic.

    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is such a strong oxidiser it is highly reactive.

    Due to its weak disinfectant and antiseptic properties, hydrogen peroxide as a 3% solution was often used to treat cat fight abscesses. However, it has fallen out of favour because it is thought to slow healing by affecting tissue growth through several possible factors.

    Only a very minute concentration of H2O2 can induce healing, and only if not repeatedly applied.

    Surgical use can lead to gas embolism formation.

  • Ever walked your own puma?

    Ever walked your own puma?

    Over the summer, I spent six weeks volunteering for Inti Wara Yassi in Bolivia. The charity was set up in 1992 and now runs three animal sanctuaries throughout this South American country.

    Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi
    Comunidad Inti Wara Yassi

    The park at which I spent most of my time was Ambue Ari, which is home to over 20 large cats, two species of monkey and a few other exotic species such as tapirs, tejons and many different birds. It was an incredible experience and I would definitely urge other vet students or even qualified vets to get involved in projects like this.

    A day in the life of a cat volunteer

    Wading through a waist high swamp, being mauled by a swarm of mosquitos, I think to myself, “What an earth am I doing here?” But after 15 minutes and a short trek through the jungle, Carlos’ cage comes into view and I remember exactly why. I shout “Hola Carlos” and we meow back and forth to each other until I reach the cage. He brushes up against the metal wire, wanting attention. I stroke him through the cage for a couple of minutes before calling “Vamos!” and making my way to the doors – working with Carlos gives me a chance to practise my (very limited) Spanish.

    While I’m making my way around, he races through his cage with excitement before stopping to wait patiently at the door. I unlock the cage and attach a rope to my waistband before entering the second door to get to him. He paces, rubbing up against my legs before sitting and licking my hands. I clip him onto the other end of the rope and open the doors. He tugs at the rope to begin with, leading me along the trail that he wants to do today.

    Walking a puma
    Walking a puma… as you do!

    I watch out for his every move, prepared to burst into a sprint when he leaps over a log or to unclip his rope when he ducks under a branch to low for me to follow him. He tries to stalk something in the bushes. I can’t see what it is, so I stop him pouncing – trying to strike a balance between letting him be a puma and keeping him from unseen dangers such as snakes.

    As the day heats up, he stops to lie down and sleep a while. This is when my war against the mozzies really starts. Sitting still, I have little choice but to watch their ceaseless assaults on my skin, despite my sweating under numerous layers of clothing.

    After a time, Carlos appears to have rested enough and continue on his trail. The rough ground and natural obstacles result in the rope getting caught between his back legs. “Step over your rope,” I call out (apparently pumas are bilingual) and, after a couple of attempts, he’s free to walk normally again. I congratulate him: “Muy bien”.

    After a few hours of walking, we return to the cage and he utters a deep purr, craving more attention before I say goodbye. I give him a few minutes of fuss before looping his rope around a nearby tree and entering his cage to clean his feeding platform and sleeping area. Leaving his meat on the platform, I return to him, careful to watch for signs that he might pounce while I unclip his rope from the tree. When I do, he tugs towards the cage and we both go through the first of the double doors. I unclip him from the rope and open the second door. He runs towards the platform, leaps onto it, grabs the meat in his jaws and darts into the bushes to eat in peace.

    Turning away, I lock the cage behind me and start the return journey through the swamp, not forgetting to call out “Chao” as I leave.

  • Broaden your horizons with EMS

    Broaden your horizons with EMS


    When I received yet another EMS email that had been sent to the whole vet school, I almost deleted it out of habit, but something stopped me. A word caught my eye: Bolivia.

    I had always wanted to go to South America – would this be my chance to tick something off the bucket list as well as get in a few weeks of EMS?

    After a few days of mulling it over, I decided to fill out the online application – I could always change my mind, and I might not even get selected anyway – but the next day, I received an email inviting me to take part in a Skype interview. Shortly afterwards, I was offered a place on the project, so I decided to bite the bullet and say yes.

    The project I will be volunteering on runs a wildlife sanctuary that houses various types of monkeys and birds as well as jaguars and pumas. Many of the animals are rescued from the fur and pet trades. While re-release back into the wild is difficult (especially for the big cats, due to local laws), the animals are given a much better life in the sanctuary than the alternative.

    Antimalarial drugs

    As well as handling and work with the animals, the students on the project will help construct new animal enclosures. The project itself lasts for six weeks, but I will be then going on to Peru for a two-week expedition afterwards.

    Before going abroad, I’ve had to organise vaccinations against hepatitis, typhoid, yellow fever and rabies. I’ve also had to obtain malaria tablets to take while I’m out there. As for equipment, I haven’t had to buy too many “specialist” things as such – just a big rucksack, old clothes and the odd thing like water purification tablets and rehydration sachets.

    With less than a week to go, I’m starting to get excited but still in shock that it’s actually happening. And I really need to start packing!

    I’ll let you know how it was when I return to the UK in two months!