Tag: BvetMed

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Thomas Lonsdale

    RCVS council election manifesto: Thomas Lonsdale


    Thomas Lonsdale.

    BVetMed, MRCVS

    PO Box 6096, Windsor Delivery Centre, NSW 2756, Australia.

    T +61 2 4577 7061

    M +61 437 2928 00

    E tom@rawmeatybones.com

    PROPOSERS: Roger Meacock, Andrew Stephens

    1980s – woke from vet-school induced stupor to realisation junk pet-food industry relies on bogus science and negligent vet “profession”.

    1991 – Blew whistle on junk pet food cult.

    1993 – Preventive dentistry PGCVS.

    1994 – Feeding versus nutrition, Aust Vet Practice.

    1994 – Cybernetic hypothesis, J Vet Dent (postulates ecological theory of health and disease as extension of Gaia Hypothesis).

    1994-7 – Junk pet food cult brought four disciplinary actions before New South Wales vet board.

    1995 – Periodontal disease and leucopaenia, JSAP.

    2001Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health published.

    2004 – Nominated for ACVSc award.

    2014 – Most supportive vet award; FOI research: junk pet food grease in seven Australian vet schools.

    2015 – Science death experiment.


    Pompous, arrogant, mouthing incantations, the vet high priests worship at the altar of bogus science. Founded on fallacy, they oversee the junk food poisoning of pets, betrayal of consumers and brainwashing of vet students.

    They must be stopped.

    Morgan Spurlock embarked on a risky experiment. For 30 days he ate junk food at every meal. He gained 11kg, his liver turned to fat, cholesterol shot up and he doubled his risk of heart failure. Fortunately for Spurlock, he escaped addiction to junk food, followed his doctor’s orders and stopped the experiment.

    The medical profession tells us carbohydrate-laden junk food injures health; that periodontal inflammation and obesity are precursors of systemic disease and early death. By contrast, the junk pet food industry controls the veterinary agenda. Vet schools deliver industry-funded propaganda on diabetes, periodontal disease and obesity – while simultaneously ensuring pious mumbo-jumbo obscures the despicable, lamentable truth.

    Vet “experts” jet about the world spruiking the latest concoctions; extolling the alleged benefits of elaborate treatments instead of declaring that junk food contaminates all aspects of vet science, teaching and practice. According to them, natural food, as determined by evolution, is dangerous while their paymaster’s industrial junk represents the pinnacle of excellence.

    For 20 consecutive RCVS elections, I’ve called for our “self-regulating” profession to act with integrity and honour. Alas, the high priests refuse even to consider. Time, then, for the courts to decide. I recommend legal proceedings against the RCVS, junk food companies, veterinary schools and individuals in respect to animal cruelty, breach of contract, theft and fraud.

    Please vote in support; instruct your lawyers and brief the media. Pets, pet owners and the wider community need our help. Thank you.

  • RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin

    RCVS council election manifesto: Lucie Goodwin


    Lucie Goodwin.

    BVetMed, DipACVIM, MRCVS

    Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, The Manor House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 4PB.

    T 01626 355655

    M 07834 784385

    E lucie.mrcvs@gmail.com

    PROPOSERS: Katherine Hall, Hayley Mitchell

    I graduated from the RVC in 2004 and spent the following two years working in a busy small animal hospital in Bristol. Having been firmly bitten by the medicine bug, I returned to the RVC in 2006 to undertake an internship and, subsequently, a residency in small animal medicine.

    Following completion of my residency, I returned to the west country to work for the University of Bristol and Langford Veterinary Services as a teaching fellow and internal medicine clinician. I worked at Langford for a very enjoyable two-and-a-half years, before taking a short career break to help to establish the charity Brighter Bristol.

    Since qualifying, I have also had experience of working in the veterinary charity sector and private referral hospitals, both in the UK and US. In my current position as an internal medicine consultant for Axiom Veterinary Laboratories, I am able to combine my enjoyment of veterinary internal medicine with a role that allows me to offer support to practitioners with their cases.

    Outside of work, I love to travel and enjoy being creative. I also continue to volunteer for a number of charities in the Bristol area.


    Like all vets, I have worked hard to become a member of the RCVS and am incredibly proud to be so. With ongoing challenges facing us, these really are exciting times for our profession and, as members, we should be engaged with our college to help create and shape our preferred future.

    Having worked in a variety of clinical and academic settings, it is of no doubt to me a happy, healthy vet makes a good vet. As a role that has significant emotional and physical demands, it is no wonder a recent survey of BVA members reported reducing stress was the single highest priority for many. I believe there needs to be a culture change within the profession to support mental health and well-being, and the launch of the RCVS Mind Matters Initiative must be applauded as there is much work to be done to provide support to our members.

    Veterinary education needs to meet the demands of the modern profession and it is essential the college reflects and promotes all aspects of veterinary work. It is alarming half of the vets surveyed who graduated within the last eight years reported their careers had not matched their expectations (reference: Vet Futures). Action must be taken to ensure we meet their aspirations and do not lose the skills of these highly qualified individuals.

    I am passionate about the advancement of knowledge within veterinary science, particularly making use of evidence-based medicine and clinical governance. With a number of groups promoting these in practice, there is great potential for input from all areas of the profession.

    If elected, I promise to contribute an enthusiastic and progressive voice to council and I would consider it a privilege to serve the veterinary community in this way.