Two years on from the Royal College reporting a huge drop in voting figures, we at Vetsonline were pleased to hear that this year’s RCVS council and VN council elections have seen the biggest turnout for 10 years.
Results showed 4,661 vets (18.8% of the profession) casting their vote – not to mention the fantastic 1,329 veterinary nurses (12.5%) who voted, which is almost double the number who took part in 2012 and is officially the highest turnout ever.
Such a remarkable result is no doubt particularly welcome at a time when the RCVS is going through a very public period of considerable change, and one can’t help but assume this renewed interest in the college and its elected representatives is a result of that change rather than despite it.
RCVS registrar Gordon Hockey said he was unable to pinpoint reasons for the increased interest, but hopes it is because vets and nurses are “feeling more engaged with the college”, aided by extra communications activities undertaken this year, such as the online hustings event.
Whatever the reasons, if the college continues along its intended path of improvement and transparency, imagine what voter turnout could be like in 2014.