Category: Opinion

  • Ionised hypocalcaemia, pt 2: eclampsia

    Ionised hypocalcaemia, pt 2: eclampsia

    As discussed in part one of this blog series, a myriad of disease processes can lead to ionised hypocalcaemia (iHCa).

    Despite this, only hypocalcaemia caused by eclampsia and hypoparathyroidism (primary or iatrogenic – post-surgical parathyroidectomy) are severe enough to demand immediate parenteral calcium administration.

    Hypoparathyroidism is quite rare, so this blog will not explore the detailed pathophysiology behind this syndrome. However, it is worthwhile mentioning – aside from primary hypoparathyroidism – no other disease state requires long-term calcium supplementation.

    Eclampsia, on the other hand, is the most common cause of clinical hypocalcaemia in dogs and cats. Multiple factors can predispose animals to the development of this phenomenon, so understanding the pathophysiology behind this potentially fatal disease will not only help with future diagnosis and treatment, but also help prevent this issue.

    Periparturient occurrence

    Eclampsia – also known as puerperal tetany or periparturient hypocalcaemia – occurs in the periparturient period anywhere from the final few weeks of gestation to four weeks postpartum, with the latter being the more common time frame of manifestation.

    The serum concentration of ionised calcium (iCa) is often less than 0.9mmol/L in bitches or less than 0.8mmol/L in queens. It presents as muscle fasciculation and tetany, but not usually in seizure since most patients maintain consciousness. Exceptions occur when these patients are left untreated – these patients may develop refractory seizures, cerebral oedema and death.

    The increased muscle activity generates a lot of heat and uses a significant amount of glucose; therefore, hyperthermia and hypoglycaemia are common sequelae in patients with delayed presentations.

    Reduced iCa

    Eclampsia occurs as a result of reduced iCa in the extracellular compartment. In lactation-associated hypocalcaemia, it is the result of the body’s inability to maintain serum iCa through increased osteolytic activity and gastrointestinal calcium absorption, and reduced renal calcium excretion to compensate for the loss of calcium through milk production.

    Other factors often predispose animals to developing eclampsia. These can include poor periparturient nutrition, excessive calcium supplementation and large litter size.

    Excessive calcium supplementation in the prenatal period causes parathyroid gland atrophy, preventing parathyroid hormone release – resulting in reduced gastrointestinal calcium absorption and osteoclastic activity, and increased kidney calcium loss.

    Clinical signs

    Clinical signs can progress rapidly and become fatal if left untreated.

    In the early phases, non-specific signs can present as:

    • facial pruritus
    • hyperaesthesia
    • panting
    • tremors
    • muscle fasciculations
    • paresis
    • ataxia

    Within a few hours, these clinical signs rapidly progress to rigidity, and tonic and clonic spasms with opisthotonos. By this stage, animals will develop severe tachycardia, tachypnoea and hyperthermia. Without treatment, a high mortality rate exists.

    “Early supplementation of puppies and kittens with commercial milk formula will significantly reduce the lactation demand on the dam.” Image © Dobroslav / Adobe Stock

    Patients presenting with eclampsia require immediate medical intervention, as well as concurrent supportive therapy. The acute management of clinical iHCa is the same, regardless of the cause, and will be discussed in detail in part three.

    Supportive therapies required to manage and prevent a patient relapsing in eclampsia often include active cooling and glucose supplementation. In cases that seizure, anti-seizure medications – such as diazepam and barbiturates – and mannitol for cerebral oedema may be required.


    Even before getting to the stage where an animal requires treatment, all effort must be taken to prevent a dam from developing hypocalcaemia. This can be easily achieved by improving the calcium content of the food during the perinatal period, as well as reducing the milk demand by early weaning kittens or puppies. This is likely particularly helpful for those with a history of eclampsia or with large litters.

    From the second half of gestation, it is recommended a commercial formulation of puppy/kitten food (1% to 1.8% calcium and 0.8% to 1.6% phosphorus) is to be fed to the dam without any additional minerals or vitamin supplementation.

    Postpartum calcium is similar to the second half of gestation, requiring a diet containing at least 1.4% calcium with a 1:1 ratio with phosphorus (most balanced growth formula for puppies and kittens).

    Less demand

    Early supplementation of puppies and kittens with commercial milk formula will significantly reduce the lactation demand on the dam. Together with this, starting at aged three to four weeks, solids can be introduced at this time. These techniques will be particularly helpful to those with a history of previous eclampsia or those with large litter sizes.

    Aside from the parenteral calcium supplementation required, other supportive therapy – such as active cooling, IV fluid therapy and glucose supplementation – may be required.

    Long term, the dam’s nutritional content of calcium must be optimal from the second half of gestation. All additional calcium or other vitamins and mineral supplementations should not occur prior to parturition.

    In the postpartum dam with a history of eclampsia or that is at risk, changing to a nutritionally balanced commercial food aim for growing puppies and kittens is ideal. Early weaning – or abrupt weaning if hypocalcaemia is severe – may be required in severe cases or those with a high risk of relapse/development.

  • Ionised hypocalcaemia, pt 1: introduction

    Ionised hypocalcaemia, pt 1: introduction

    Low ionised calcium (iCa) is a widely recognised electrolyte disturbance in critically ill human patients who have undergone surgery, are septic, have pancreatitis, or have sustained severe trauma or burns.

    Similar changes occur in our critical canine and feline patients, though less well documented.

    Calcium plays a vital role in a myriad of physiological processes in the body, so any deviation from the very narrowly controlled range is associated with severe repercussions.

    Low iCa has many causes; however, this three-part blog will only focus on the more common and peracute to acute causes. It will also discuss the treatment of low iCa and the controversy behind treatment of iCa in critically ill patients.


    Calcium in the serum or plasma exists in three forms:

    • ionised or free calcium
    • protein-bound calcium
    • complexed or chelated calcium (bound to phosphate, bicarbonate, sulfate, citrate and lactate)

    iCa is the biologically active fraction of calcium and is not to be confused with total calcium (tCa). A lack of concordance exists between the two. Adjustment formulas are inaccurate, even with the correction of the tCa to serum total protein or albumin concentration, and should not be used to predict iCa.

    The normal reference range for iCa in dogs is 1.2mmol/L to 1.5mmol/L; in cats, it is 1.1mmol/L to 1.4mmol/L.


    An example of low ionised calcium.
    An example of low ionised calcium.

    Calcium is essential in maintaining normal physiological processes in the body. iCa regulates:

    • vascular tone
    • myocardial contraction
    • homeostasis

    In addition, it is needed for:

    • enzymatic reactions
    • nerve conductions
    • neuromuscular transmission
    • muscle contraction
    • hormone release
    • bone formation
    • resorption

    In critical patients, particularly those with severe trauma or sepsis, vascular tone and coagulation is particularly important. For this reason, iCa is tightly kept in a narrow range and regulated by the interactive feedback loop that involves iCa, phosphorous, parathyroid hormone, calcitriol and calcitonin.

    Diseases and causes

    Diseases commonly associated with low iCa in dogs and cats include:

    • acute kidney failure
    • acute pancreatitis
    • diabetic ketoacidosis
    • eclampsia
    • ethylene glycol intoxication
    • protein-losing enteropathies
    • sepsis
    • trauma
    • urethral obstruction
    • parathyroid diseases
    • tumour lysis syndrome

    Situations altering the fraction of extracellular calcium seen on a regular basis include:

    • acid-base disturbances
    • lactic acidosis
    • protein loss or gain
    • increased free fatty acids

    Iatrogenic causes include:

    • citrate (anticoagulant) administration during blood transfusions
    • phosphate
    • bicarbonate
    • sulfate administration

    Low iCa can also develop during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, quickly declining with increased duration.

    • Part two will go into more depth regarding the most common causes of low iCa that require acute treatment, the treatment involved, controversies surrounding treatment of non-clinical low iCa, and prognostic indications.
  • The why of veterinary science

    The why of veterinary science

    In one of the last decade’s most influential books on motivation, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, author Daniel Pink argues that the traditional motivators of the previous century – reward and punishment – mostly fail to deliver when it comes to keeping people engaged, fulfilled and happy in their careers.

    According to the research that Mr Pink cites, the things people crave most are:

    • autonomy
    • mastery
    • purpose

    If those are the goals, then we should have it pretty good in veterinary science: for the most part vets have a large amount of autonomy (the freedom to make our own decisions) and opportunities for achieving mastery in veterinary science are just about limitless – but purpose, defined in this book as “working in the service of something larger than ourselves”, can be less obvious.

    Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose by Paul Downey / CC BY 2.0

    Serving what purpose?

    The question as to whether what we, as vets, do for a living serves a larger purpose is one you’ll often hear – and it’s one I’ve certainly asked myself throughout my career.

    And it’s a valid question: is it really that important, in the greater scheme of things, that I treat all those itchy dogs, while others are changing the world and amassing fortunes?

    Even within the veterinary profession we see individuals pioneering new science, teaching and inspiring thousands of people, or reaching positions of authority and influence. Am I wasting my time and talents in practice, treating one sick animal at a time? Do my days have purpose?

    The answer

    driveI’ve found the answer – or at least my answer – in the simple realisation that, on multiple occasions throughout the average working day, we have opportunities to relieve suffering, show compassion and provide some peace of mind.

    Reminding yourself of this can provide a protective shield against the forces of compassion fatigue (or just simple fatigue), high stress, and sometimes just sheer boredom that relentlessly try to chip away at motivation.

    When you can turn work into service, chores turn into privileges.

    This is my truth

    Here’s another quote from Drive I think applies beautifully to vets and our purpose: “The question is not how to be successful, or how to survive. It’s how to be useful.”

    Don’t forget how useful you are.

    And remember that every time you work towards relieving suffering in your patients or your clients, however minor or imagined that suffering may seem to you, you are doing something that transcends your own needs. In that simple truth lies purpose.

  • Blood transfusions, pt 3: how much?

    Blood transfusions, pt 3: how much?

    Now that you know how to spot the signs of when a blood transfusion is needed and what blood product to administer, this article will focus on the volume of blood to give.

    What PCV should I aim for?

    bloodpt3To start us off, no real benefit exists in increasing a PCV above 30%, unless you are anticipating further losses. The reason being is oxygen delivery to tissues is optimised at that level and administering more does not add significant benefit.

    How much volume to give?

    There are several formulas for determining how much red blood cells are required to be given, some more simpler and less accurate than others.  As a rough guide, if increasing PCV by 1, you need 2ml/kg of whole blood or 1ml/kg of packed red blood cells.

    This gives me a starting volume, I administer that volume and recheck. Often, I will have to give more, but it depends greatly on the underlying disease, concurrent fluid therapy and ongoing blood losses.

    How to administer?

    Use a 170µm blood filter to collect any micro clots. Often, the blood is run through with a isotonic crystalloid, if so avoid administration with calcium containing crystalloid, such as Hartmann’s or lactated Ringers, as the calcium can result in activation of platelets and clots to form in the blood; so run with 0.9% saline or Plasmalyte 148.

    Packed red blood cells are usually diluted with at least 100mls of 0.9% saline. The generally rule is to administer the transfusion within 4 hours and change the fluid lines after to reduce the risk of bacterial contamination. Recheck PCV and coagulation times 30 minutes post-transfusion.

    How fast?

    Rate of administration really depends on degree of urgency. If the patient is suffering from acute haemorrhagic shock then you can administer blood as a bolus. The risk here is acute anaphylaxis if that patient is off a different blood type or if this is not their first transfusion.

    If it is not a crisis then administration should be started off slowly so monitoring for acute reactions can be performed. Start slow at 2ml/kg/hr for 15 minutes and monitor for reactions then progressively double the rate until the desired rate is reached.

  • Blood transfusions, pt 2: what do I give?

    Blood transfusions, pt 2: what do I give?

    To make the most of a precious resource, donated blood is often separated into two components: red blood cells (packed red cells) and plasma (fresh frozen plasma, most commonly).

    Haematocrit tube
    Haematocrit tube from a patient with immune mediated haemolytic anaemia and a slide demonstrating autoagglutination.

    This not only extends the life span of plasma component, but it also means you can pick and administer which component you need the most as not all anaemic patients need the same product.

    Which product?

    Here are three different examples of patients with different blood product requirements:

    Immune mediated haemolytic anaemia

    This a prime example of a patient that can have an anaemia with transfusion triggers, but are rarely coagulopathic. The key component required here is packed red cells.

    Internal bleed

    This is a grey zone – an anaemia with transfusion triggers can occur, but not always a coagulopathy. A coagulopathy may develop later if the bleed continues. So, packed red cells can be used initially, and the plasma administered after, if required.

    Rodenticide intoxication

    typing kit
    Commercial feline blood typing kit.

    These patients will often need both red blood cells and plasma. So, whole blood – either fresh or stored – can be used, or a unit of packed red cells combined with a unit of fresh frozen plasma.

    Blood typing and crossmatching

    Before administration of the product there is one critical step. Blood typing is important – not only for cats, but also dogs – as it helps rule out blood type incompatibilities and can significantly reduce the risk of an acute transfusion reaction. Easy-to-use commercial blood typing kits (pictured) are available.

    Just because you blood typed doesn’t mean there is no value in crossmatching. Other factors or uncommon red blood types, such as DAL (dogs) and Mik (cats) can cause acute reactions.

    Both these tests do not 100% rule out the possibility of an acute reaction, so, whenever a blood product is being administered, the patient needs to be monitored closely.

    Next week, we cover how much to give.

  • Blood transfusions, pt 1: clinical signs

    Blood transfusions, pt 1: clinical signs

    I get asked frequently when is the right time to transfuse an anaemic patient?

    The difficulty lies in the fact not all anaemic patients require blood transfusions. Just because a patient has pale mucous membranes does not mean the patient needs a transfusion.

    The term commonly brought up during the discussion is “transfusion triggers present”.

    What constitutes a “transfusion trigger”?

    A couple of different definitions exist: classically, it is the PCV or haemoglobin level at which a transfusion is indicated in an individual animal – essentially, if it gets below a certain number, transfusion is required – but it is not always that simple. Just because the PCV is 15%, it doesn’t always mean a transfusion is required.

    When the PCV drops low enough, clinical signs of reduced oxygen delivery to the tissues start to develop, these include:

    • decreased exercise tolerance
    • weakness
    • dull mentation
    • tachycardia
    • tachypnoea
    • elevated lactate levels when shock has been addressed

    Rapid or slow?

    These clinical signs are influenced by the speed at which the anaemia has developed.

    If the anaemia has occurred rapidly due to internal bleeding from trauma or a ruptured organ, these clinical signs can present in a matter of minutes, depending on how big the bleed is. This means a transfusion might be indicated when the PCV is still 25%, especially if further rapid blood loss is likely.

    If the anaemia developed over days to weeks (slow red cell destruction or anaemia of chronic disease, for example) transfusion triggers might not be present until the PCV drops below 15%, as the body has had time to compensate.


    So, in summary, the decision-making process involves asking the questions:

    • What is the PCV?
    • How fast has the anaemia developed?
    • Are there clinical signs of reduced oxygen delivery?
    • Is further loss likely?

    When you combine the core aspects of each of the questions above, “transfusions triggers” change from absolute numbers to this:

    • PCV under 15% with clinical signs of reduced oxygen delivery.
    • Rapid PCV drop to under 20% in dogs and 15% in cats.
    • PCV under 25% and surgery or anaesthesia is required, and/or rapid ongoing blood loss is occurring.

    Blood products you should use and why will be covered in a future post.

    Note: Haemoglobin levels should also be assessed in conjunction with the PCV.

  • Dystocia, pt 4: caesarean tips

    Dystocia, pt 4: caesarean tips

    Prolonged hypoxaemia, hypotension and hypoventilation are the top three causes of periparturient fetal mortality – for these reasons, all precautions must be taken to avoid it.

    As soon as authorisation has been obtained to proceed with a caesarean section, the patient should be stabilised immediately. This includes having perioperative blood work performed, and clinical hypoperfusion (common in patients that have gone through prolonged stage two labour) and hypotension corrected as soon as possible, usually with fluid boluses.

    While fluid deficits are being corrected, preoperative monitoring and surgical site preparation (clipping and the initial stages of surgical scrub) can be performed with the patient still conscious. This will significantly reduce the time the patient is anaesthetised, as isoflurane potentiates hypotension.

    Physiological changes

    A few physiological changes in periparturient patients must be considered before anaesthetising them.

    Higher oxygen demand

    Firstly, pregnant animals have a higher oxygen demand due to the developing fetuses. However, due to their large gravid uteruses, they have decreased functional residual capacity and total lung volume. This is further exacerbated when animals are placed in dorsal recumbency, with increased pressure on their diaphragms.

    For this reason, pregnant animals should always be preoxygenated prior to induction – with as much of the patient preparation completed – to reduce the risk of hypoxaemia. This is one of the main reasons the time from induction to delivery of the puppies should be as short as possible.

    Sensitivity to anaesthetic agents

    Secondly, pregnant animals have an increased sensitivity to anaesthetic agents. Blood volume and cardiac output also increase dramatically during pregnancy; therefore, if blood loss occurs and blood pressure is not maintained, significant hypotension can occur.

    Any medication that crosses the blood-brain barrier will equally cross the placental barrier; therefore, the effect of medications can be reduced by a few things. Firstly, the use of local anaesthetics (such as epidurals) can be employed to minimise inhalation anaesthetics, thus their hypotensive effects. Always use minimal drug dosages that achieve the desired effect. Short-acting, rapidly metabolised drugs and reversible drugs should be used whenever possible.

    Don’t premedicate

    Premedication of caesarean patients is strictly avoided at our hospital. Acepromazine can result in hypotension and has a long duration of action, while opioids can cause potent respiratory depressants in unborn fetuses as it crosses the placenta.

    Puppies and kittens born heavily narcotised or sedated will have bradycardia and may not take spontaneous breaths, further increasing the risk of mortality.

    Speedy delivery

    IMAGE: Pilipipa / Adobe Stock
    Once the patient has been induced, the speed of delivering the fetuses is of paramount importance. Image © Pilipipa / Adobe Stock

    Once the patient has been induced, the speed of delivering the fetuses is of paramount importance. Inhalant anaeshetics causes maternal vasodilation and decreases uterine blood flow, as well as neonatal depression.

    Making a large abdominal incision is highly advised, despite the fact it may take longer to close, as it enables faster and more gentle manipulation of a large fetus-filled uterus.

    The traditional caesarean technique involves a single incision in the uterine body. Fetuses should be gently squeezed towards the incision. In patients with many fetuses, especially large-breed dogs, making a single uterine body incision may significantly delay delivery of the fetuses. Concern also exists with excessive traction and manipulation of uterine blood vessels when trying to manipulate the fetuses to the uterine body incision. In these cases, additional incisions in the uterine horns can be made.

    With this method, surgical time for closure will be longer and considered carefully in patients where future breeding is likely, as the risks of adhesions and uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies increases compared to the single uterine body incision method.

    Closure of the uterine wall should always be in two layers – firstly, an appositional simple continuous pattern; followed by a second inverting (Cushing or Lembert) pattern.

    Post-fetal removal

    Once the fetuses have been removed, a few medications can be given safely intraoperatively.

    Firstly, opioids are safe at this time. Fast analgesia can be achieved when the opioid is given IV. Oxytocin can also be administered during this time, but beware uterine involution and contraction will be immediate; therefore, close attention needs to be paid to the uterine sutures to ensure they have not become loose.

    NSAIDs should be avoided in lactating queens and bitches, as most are excreted in the milk. Safety data has not been established in lactating animals, while previous animal studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus.

    Tramadol, a synthetic opiate-like (μ receptor) agonist, has high analgesic effects. Tramadol and its active metabolite are known to enter maternal milk, albeit at very low levels. No animal reproduction studies exist to establish its safety in use in neonates, but it is an analgesic considered safe to use in young animals.


    Caesarean section is the one emergency surgical procedure where speed is of essence.

    With prompt stablisation, pre-induction surgical preparation, fast delivery of fetuses and avoidance of certain medications, the chances of survival of the already distressed fetuses can dramatically increase.

  • Dystocia, pt 3: surgery or medical management

    Dystocia, pt 3: surgery or medical management

    Part three of this series will cover when medical management is suitable or when surgical intervention is required.

    To start with, a few things indicate immediate caesarean section is required:

    • signs of fetal distress (for example, bradycardia)
    • maternal exhaustion and more than four fetuses remaining
    • systemically unwell bitch/queen
    • fetal obstruction of the vaginal vault that is unmovable
    • excessive bleeding
    • half an hour of intense contractions without delivering a neonate
    • radiographic evidence of a disproportionately large fetus or abnormal position

    Oxytocin therapy

    Generally, successful medical therapy is dependent on positive feathering response.

    If strong contractions are occurring, oxytocin therapy can be trialled. Dosed at 0.5IU to 2IU IM or SC, this can be repeated up to three times per neonate – oxytocin can result in decreased placental blood flow or premature placental separation, leading to fetal hypoxia, bradycardia or death.

    Repeated doses against fetal obstruction can result in uterine rupture. Therefore, this medication is contraindicated if obstruction is suspected, especially if radiology is not an option.

    Calcium gluconate

    Hyperkalaemia management
    10% calcium gluconate can be administered alongside oxytocin therapy.

    Administration of 10% calcium gluconate IM or IV can be used in conjunction with oxytocin. It can increase the strength of uterine contractions. In fact, calcium may increase the strength of contractions so much that oxytocin may not be required. It can be repeated as often as every four to six hours to maintain stronger uterine contractions.

    It is feasible to start with 10% calcium gluconate at 0.5ml/kg slow IV. If this does not result in an increase in contraction strength, oxytocin therapy can be used, as described above, and repeated up to 3 times, 30 minutes apart. If no fetuses are passed, this is an indication for caesarean.


    Early recognition of dystocia can help improve the survival of fetuses – whether that is from educating owners so they know the warning signs, or veterinary staff training so they can confidently advise owners when to seek veterinary attention.

    Understanding the reasoning behind diagnostic methods and the medical management options will empower veterinarians to confidently manage dystocia patients.

  • Dystocia, pt 2: diagnostics

    Dystocia, pt 2: diagnostics

    Part one of this series covered the stages of labour and indications dystocia is present.

    Once the bitch presents to the clinic, a few basic diagnostic checks need completing to determine the status of the bitch/queen and the fetuses.

    Physical examination

    The first is a thorough physical examination, starting with the bitch or queen:

    • Demeanour, hydration status, vital signs, mucous membrane colour, capillary refill time and temperature are important.
    • Pregnancy anaemia is not uncommon; however, for patients with a haemorrhagic discharge, it is important to know their cardiovascular status.
    • A thorough abdominal palpation should be carried out to assess comfort level and palpation for the presence of fetuses. Palpating fetuses can be difficult and cannot confirm if no fetuses are present.
    • A digital vaginal examination should be performed. Feathering response – also known as the Ferguson reflex in human medicine – is the neuroendocrine reflex where the self-sustained cycle of uterine contractions is initiated by firm pressure on the dorsal aspect of the vestibulovaginal wall. If this is absent, the patient is unlikely to progress with the parturition unaided.
    • Palpation of fetuses in the canal can help decide whether surgical management is required. Obvious fetal malposition, malposture or malpresentation, or fetopelvic disparity, will be indications of caesarean. Abnormal pelvic diameter is also another reason to not proceed with medical management. To confirm these suspicions, abdominal radiography is required.
    • Radiographs will also help determine the number of fetuses to be expected, the signs of fetal death (presence of gas surrounding the fetus) and aforementioned fetomaternal abnormalities. I always repeat radiographs after the expected number of neonates is passed, to make sure I have not miscounted at the start.


    Panel 1. Heart rate ranges to help indicate stress of fetuses


    • normal – 180 to 220 beats per minute (bpm)
    • Stressed – 160bpm
    • Real concern – less than 160bpm


    • normal – more than 220pbm
    • fetal stress – less than 180bpm

    The second important diagnostic tool is ultrasound.

    Fetal heart rates are good indicators of fetal stress. Some heart rate ranges that can help provide information about the status of the fetuses are detailed in Panel 1. These ranges vary between sources, but are good guidelines.

    Ultrasounds can also help visualise the maturation status of the fetuses. At-term fetuses should have normal hepatic, renal and intestinal development. Intestinal peristalsis should be evident in at-term fetuses.

    Other diagnostics

    Other diagnostics may be indicated for patients, depending on the status of the bitch/queen:

    • If the patient is stable, but dystocia is present, a minimum database would include PCV/total protein, electrolytes, glucose, ionised calcium, lactate and acid-base balance.
    • Serum ionised calcium levels are important, as they influence the strength of contractions and how much supplementation is required.
    • Hypoglycaemia needs to be ruled out as a cause of dystocia, especially when large litters are involved.
    • If the patient is unstable or systemically unwell, include complete blood count, blood smears and biochemistry.
    • Physiological pregnancy anaemia can be present. The presence of regenerative response can help differentiate this from acute haemorrhage.
    • Abnormal leukocyte panel, especially with the presence of degenerative left shift, can indicate the presence of an infection – especially if toxic changes are present in the neutrophil.

    Part three will briefly look at the medical management of dystocia and when surgical intervention is required.

  • Dystocia, pt 1: labour stages

    Dystocia, pt 1: labour stages

    Now most female canine patients are spayed, it comes as no surprise reproductive emergencies are not as common.

    One confusion seems to be not knowing how to determine a true dystocia emergency – especially when given advice over the telephone – from the process of normal parturition.

    Another concern is how to confidently form a diagnostic pathway to determine the cause of dystocia – especially for reasons other than obvious physical abnormalities (for example, fetopelvic disparity and fetal malposition).

    Often, once we decide to go down the medical treatment pathway – whether the result of findings or owner/financial constraint – no one is confident as to what medication should be used and how often drugs can be given safely.

    This series of blogs will address these issues in a step-by-step manner. Hopefully, by the end, you will be confident in the diagnosis and management of dystocia.

    Labour stages

    Before moving on to the signs of dystocia, let’s go through the signs of labour.

    First stage labour

    First stage labour is characterised by panting, tremoring, nesting behaviour, a drop in core temperature – usually a drop by almost 1°C 24 hours prior to second stage labour – and a drop of progesterone to below 2mg/ml.

    Dog and puppy.
    Third stage labour occurs generally within 15 minutes after passing a puppy or kitten. Image © foto ARts / Adobe Stock
    • dogs: approximately 6 to 12 hours
    • cats: approximately 6 to 24 hours

    Second stage labour

    Second stage labour is landmarked by the water breaking, visible abdominal contractions, and the allantoic/amniotic sac or fetal parts visible from the vulva.

    If vulval discharge is present, they should be clear. Excessive amount of bright red haemorrhage, green or black discharge prior to delivery, or purulent material can indicate a pathological process requiring immediate veterinary attention.

    • dogs: approximately 3 to 6 hours
    • cats: approximately 6 to 24 hours

    Third stage labour

    Third stage labour this is when passage of all the placenta has occurred, generally within 15 minutes after passing a puppy or kitten.


    Now we understand the normal progression of parturition, a few clues exist in the history that could suggest dystocia may be present.

    Some breeders will often know the ovulation timing of the patient – especially if AI was performed. Tests such as progesterone levels, luteal hormone (LH) levels, cytology and vaginoscopy are some ways where it can help time the ovulation.

    The normal gestation length should not be any longer than 66 days from the LH surge or, if the ovulation history is unknown, 72 days from the last known breeding.

    History of prior dystocia is a warning, as most animals with prior parturition difficulties are more likely to develop dystocia again.

    The same goes for animals that have previously required a caesarean. Their risk of requiring future caesareans is high, with further risk of uterine rupture if dystocia happens again.

    Image © Pilipipa / Adobe Stock
    Animals that have previously had a caesarean are at high risk of requiring future caesareans, with further risk of uterine rupture if dystocia happens again. Image © Pilipipa / Adobe Stock

    Intervention signs

    Owners often telephone after the failure of normal progression of delivery. The signs that always require immediate intervention are:

    • more than 4 hours have passed from the rupture of the first chorioallantois
    • more than 2 hours between delivery
    • more than 30 minutes of strong abdominal contraction and no delivery
    • presence of green or black discharge before delivery
    • large amount of bright red haemorrhage
    • abnormal amount of pain during contractions
    • collapse of the bitch or distracted mothering

    Any of these signs require immediate presentation to the veterinarian. Delivery of stillborn puppies is also an indication where veterinary attention is indicated.

    Finally, if owners are concerned, it is best to advise veterinary assessment rather than try to convince them everything is okay based on what they describe over the telephone.