I’d recommend early neutering

Pyometra in a dog, seen during surgery. The uterus is distended with pus.
Pyometra in a dog, seen during surgery. The uterus is distended with pus. Image by Joel Mills [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC-BY-SA-2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Last week I removed one of the largest, most pus-filled uteri from a large breed dog that I have ever seen.

I’m a bit long in the tooth now, but I still found the whole procedure a bit scary given the size and vascularity of the uterus – and this made me reflect on the benefits of early neutering.

We routinely spay bitches in our practice from five months of age with minimal long-term complications, and it’s so much easier.

I am aware that recent research indicates early neutering may have some long-term implications in certain breeds, but the procedure is so much safer in young dogs, and anything that prevents them developing pyometra in later life has got to be an advantage.


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