The power of affirmations and using them properly

Image © NataliSam / Adobe Stock

Affirmations are positive phrases and sentences you repeat to change either the language in your head or the beliefs you have about yourself. These affirmations can be incredibly powerful when it comes to personal development.

Our brain is wired to notice the negative outcomes of our actions so we can prevent them from happening again. But it doesn’t stop there – instead of just stopping, being objective, looking for the main lesson and moving on, our brain adds meaning to what happened; and we attach that to how we think of ourselves and, over time, begin to believe it is true.

A prime example is when you didn’t achieving something and you made that mean you are not smart enough or not good enough. Instead of being objective and looking at how the failure resulted from approaching the problem the wrong way, or preparing incorrectly, your brain jumps to the simple conclusion you are not good enough.

Brain training

Affirmations can help rewire our brain, and begin to challenge and eliminate those negative and limiting beliefs we have about ourselves.

An affirmation that tackles this example could be: “I am smart and resourceful, and put in the work to achieve what I want.”

You may not initially feel you believe the affirmation when you begin, and you may feel a bit silly; however, with time and repetition this affirmation will eventually become a belief. You can train your brain to think differently if you want to.

Using affirmations

Some pointers on how to use affirmations:

  • They are best in the morning, as this has the added benefit of setting up a positive mindset for the day. You begin the day with empowering beliefs that will give you momentum to push through the challenges you will face. You essentially set yourself up for success. You can then continue to remind yourself through out the day.
  • Repetition is the key. Don’t just say it once, say it over and over again. Put reminders in your phone or alarms that go off that have the affirmation on it. Put sticky notes on the mirror or fridge, or in your car…
  • Combine it with emotion and intensity. Say the affirmation with confidence – shift your body into a powerful stance, shoulders back, chin up, breathe in deep. This combination will help you feel that what you are saying is indeed true, as you feel it in your body.
  • Start to give an example of when the affirmation is right. “I am smart and resourceful, and put in the work to achieve what I want… because yesterday I solved problem x that was presented to me.”

Affirmation is powerful when used correctly – and can be life-changing for eliminating negative self-doubt.


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