You got a friend in me

Group of students revising.

Over the past three years, I’ve found one of the hardest parts about revising at home over the holidays isn’t actually the fact you’re revising at home, but that you’re not revising back at university.

Now let me explain, because I know it sounds odd…

Why would anyone not want to go home for the holidays, or right before some hideous, stressful exams? I will admit the food, festivities, time with family and pets is a nice bolster during revision (and certainly doesn’t hurt), but, at the same time, unless you’re fortunate enough to come home to someone studying the same course as you, and also preparing for exams, there’s nobody around you in the same boat.

One for all…

One thing I really miss when I’m at home, nose deep in textbooks, is that sense of camaraderie that comes with tackling the vet course with a group of friends.

Nobody wants to climb Everest alone, and it can be hard when those around you are enjoying time off and eating mince pies while you sit alone in your room, like the Grinch, muttering to yourself about hygiene laws and ethical quandaries of actual mince.

However, it’s not only during exam season that friends are so vital – they keep you company during the best and worst of everything uni has to throw at you. But, around exams, it’s not untrue that misery loves company. That’s not to say you can’t help pick each other up when the going gets tough, but if you’re all in the tough together, the going might not be so bad after all.

…and all for one

Group revision sessions with lots of chocolate, crisps (and maybe a few tears) are a godsend to me after days of seeing nobody but the animals on my flash cards.

Bowl of crisps being shared.
Group revision sessions with lots of chocolate, crisps (and maybe a few tears) are a godsend, says Eleanor. Image © Prostock-studio / Adobe Stock

Spreading the workload among your friends is also a great way to make revision more manageable – and it’s true when they say teaching is one of the best ways to learn.

I’m so lucky to have the supportive network I do, and to know I’m not in it alone. On such a challenging course, it can easy for things to get on top of you (both academically and mentally), but by working together and leaning on each other, you won’t just survive uni – you’ll nail it!


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