How to take feedback like a champion


Feedback can be difficult to take on board, especially if you are not accustomed to receiving it. But it is a powerful tool that speeds up your growth.

Don’t be threatened by it… embrace it

You have to flick the switch in your head consciously, because you need feedback to grow professionally.

Therefore, open your arms and breathe it in. This is not always easy, but you need to start somewhere.

It can fast track your professional development

We have our blind spots – we may think we are doing well, but, in reality, may be rubbing people the wrong way or upsetting people.

A great personal example:

I thought I was great to work with in surgery because I did not yell or throw things at people. I am also usually outgoing. However, when I am concentrating in surgery, I don’t speak. Through feedback, I found out this was very unnerving for colleagues – they thought I was unhappy with them. This blew my mind.

Disconnect… or view yourself as a product

If you find it difficult to receive feedback – or if it always feels like it gets the better of you, and you feel anxious, angry or upset (and any associated negative feelings) – then distance yourself from it a bit.

Take a step back personally and view yourself as a product. This has helped me.

If you had a product you were selling, wouldn’t you want feedback to make sure it was good? Thinking of yourself as a product makes you want to ensure you are the best for your job, role or responsibilities.

How to get feedback

It is easier if you ask for feedback before an event or task – for example, before delivering a presentation or going into a meeting. Asking for feedback afterwards means you are ready for it and the person giving you feedback will feel safer providing it.

Also, don’t be attached to the outcome. Feedback is great, whether positive or negative – and you grow more effectively with negative feedback.


If you get feedback and are about to feel overwhelmed… breathe.

Breathe it in, slow your roll and control your emotions as they do not serve you – feedback serves you.


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