Review and acknowledge


Now we are at the end of the year, but before we jump into the new one with a bang, it is time to stop and reflect on the past 12 months.

In my previous post about finishing 2018, I mentioned one important step in moving forward was “letting go of the past”; well, this type of reflection is slightly different, this is reflecting on your achievements and acknowledging the actions you have taken.

We don’t want to dwell in the past as this is where regret originates from, but we want to review it to see how far we have come and how much progress we have made. Self acknowledgement is different from external acknowledgement, as you are acknowledging the things important and significant for you, not solely reliant on what others have acknowledged you for. Our achievements are for us to enjoy and the only person who can really enjoy your achievements is yourself.

Self acknowledgement

Self acknowledgement is generally something we don’t do often enough. When we are busy in the clinic getting through consults, heads buried in textbooks or eyes fixed to computer screens scanning reference sites try to keep up with new developments – or the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas – it is hard to stop and take time to reflect.

Self acknowledgement is a source of inner strength, confidence, peace and calm. Stop and think of two big things you have achieved in the past 12 months; they could be challenges you faced, obstacles you have overcome, projects you have completed or personal goals you have ticked off.

Think about the implications of the actions you took:

  • How they have benefited others or your business?
  • What you have learned about yourself?
  • How has it moved you forward?
  • What are you capable of now or what has opened up as a result?

How did that feel?


Now you have thought of 2 think of 2 more, until you get to 10. This can be challenging, as it is not what we are encouraged to do.

Reflect on the growth within yourself, not just in terms of capacity or capability, but your personal growth. Reflect on the movement forward towards your goals. Your achievements may pass unnoticed to others and that is okay, but this process brings them back into your awareness. If we are satisfied with our outcomes, regardless of what other people think, then we stop seeking other people’s acknowledgement or validation. Therefore, we have more control over our happiness, direction in life and purpose.

Your achievements might mean nothing to the others, but it might mean the world to you, so give yourself a pat on the back and give yourself some credit for your efforts. Step into 2019 with your head held high and build on the progress and movement forward you made in 2018. Great tools that encourage reflection and self acknowledgement include productivity journals or diaries; buy one that encourages you to list your daily, weekly and monthly actions.

Have a happy new year.


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