Work-life balance


I read an article on “What Veterinarians and veterinary students really want” and the top three things wanted from a veterinary role were work-life balance, positive team environment and mentorship. Over the next three weeks I want to explore these three topics and offer my perspective on how to achieve them.

For someone who often works 36 hours in 2 days, finding balance in my life is something I have to work on.

The first thing I thought of was what does work-life balance mean? I get asked about this all the time as I have numerous responsibilities in and outside of the hospital and people want to know what work-life balance is for me.

Looking inside

The first thing that comes to mind is, I am a big believer in looking inside before looking outside. We can look at other people’s lives, their decisions and actions, and judge them as being busy with no balance. What we are doing is applying our values, our criteria of what it looks like, what we like and want on others. No one-size-fits-all exists when it comes to work-life balance, often what works for someone may be the opposite for someone else.

Firstly, look inside at what does work-life balance mean for you. Ask yourself:

  • What are the important areas of my life? Work, family, friends, health/exercise, travel, and so on.
  • What would a successful outcome look, feel or sound like for me in those areas? Is seeing my family once a fortnight, catching up with friends once a month, but seeing my closest friend weekly and exercising three times a week a successful outcome for you?
  • What are the expectations of those most important to you and have you communicated your expectations? What do your partner, family and friends want or need from you and what do you need from them? If there is a mutual understanding and agreement of expectations then conflict is less likely.
  • Have you scheduled things important for you? Have you made time for family, friends, your health and well-being? Is your work really work?
  • Can you align your passions/wants/expectations with your work?

Work as part of life

I have a very hectic schedule, but I do my best to align myself with my tasks and responsibilities. I have a passion for learning and teaching, so I look for ways to do that in the hospital. If I am tasked with something I am not so enthusiastic about, but have to do, I look for the “gifts” in the task; I look for reasons why it aligns with me – what I can get out of it? What opportunities it can create? What are the impacts of actions I take?

I am not saying you should work more hours and be happy about it, but sometimes we forget the good things about what we get paid to do. I work weekends in the hospital and my shifts can vary between 12 and 20 hours – those important to me know this is the case, they have no expectations of me on the weekends, and during those 20 hours I have numerous opportunities to fine tune my skills, learn, teach, connect, give love, contribute, have an impact and have fun.

To me, work is a part of my life. I understand what work-life balance is for me. To make things easier for yourself and everyone around you, look inside at what work-life balance means for you, be clear about it, write it down, communicate it and take action on it.

Next week, I will look at achieving a positive team environment.



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