Thank you to ‘incredible’ nurses during VN Awareness Month

VN care
Veterinary nurses – the doting advocates and voices for the pets in our practices and hospitals.

As a vet in a busy emergency hospital, I have the utmost appreciation for our team’s incredible hard work and the compassion they show – not just for our patients, but towards each other.

Special thanks, this month, has to go to the incredible veterinary nurses of this world. The compassionate way they carry themselves in the clinic and all the hard work they do always leaves me feeling inspired.

Thank you

“Optimistic, thorough and empathetic.”

Nurses are optimistic, thorough and empathetic – but, most of all, they are the doting advocates and voices for the pets in our hospital. The love, care and kindness they display every shift is incredibly inspiring and, as vets, we really couldn’t do our job without them.

So, rather than a tip this week, I would like to say thank you to veterinary nurses – thank you for supporting us, supporting owners and, most of all, supporting the pets in our care.

In the spirit of Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month, I decided to ask the nurses from where I work – Animal Emergency Service – about their experiences; what they think about being a veterinary nurse and what keeps them coming back day after day.

VN views

Together, we will discover what they find most challenging, how they overcome these obstacles and what tips they have for nurses around the world to make the most of their nursing careers.

Over the next few posts throughout May, I will compile a collection of useful tips our nurses find important in maintaining good mental health, a gold standard of veterinary nursing and positive client communications. I will discuss useful tips on how best to overcome the physical and emotional challenges seen in so many clinics worldwide.

Watch this space…


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