What does work-life balance mean for you?


In my roles as hospital director and performance coach, I frequently hear: “I want to have work-life balance”.

This is a statement I have seen time and time again ruin people’s perception of their careers, and their sense of happiness. Why? Because not one person has been able to answer the question I follow up with – and that is: “What does work-life balance look, feel and sound like for you?”

I get a stunned silence – which, to me, highlights the fact they are chasing something they have no clarity about.

Here are some things to consider:

Work-life balance is individual

If you are happy doing something and love it, but someone else tells you that you don’t have work-life balance… ignore them.

What work-life balance means for him or her has nothing to do with what it means for you.

Discover what it means to you

Think about the main areas in your life that are important to you. The most common things said by people I coach are family, friends, adventure and health.

Now, think about how often and how much time you need to spend in those areas to be fulfilled, but not overindulged. If, for you, it is catching up with your friends once a fortnight and exercising four times a week, then schedule it in.

Make it happen.

Be realistic

If you have just finished university and started your career, an internship or residency, then you have to work hard to apply what you have learned, and learn more – that’s just how it is for the first couple of years.

If you want to achieve more for yourself, then just accept that classic work-life balance may not be realistic for a period of time, but also know you are preparing your future self for success.

Next time you hear someone mention work-life balance, remember it is personal – you have to define it, communicate it, then schedule it, and be realistic for the stage in your career and the pathway you have chosen.

True work-life balance takes action, consistency and commitment.


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