The five levels of why


When you fail to achieve an outcome you wanted, or a goal you set for yourself, ask yourself the five levels of why.

What does this mean?

Well, it’s pretty much exactly as it says – it means asking yourself “why?”, then “why?” again… five times.


The “five levels of why” digs deeper and forces you to look closer at the real issue. When you ask yourself the question and really answer honestly, you will find the real reason why you were unable to achieve something.

Often, the thing we tell ourselves was in the way was put there by us in the first place, so we need to dig a little further to find the true reason. This requires you to be honest with yourself – which isn’t easy, and it will take practice.


Let me give you an example – why did not I not complete the [task] I said I would:

  1. Why? Because I did not want to do it in the first place.
  2. Why? Because I did not have the time.
  3. Why? Because it does not matter.
  4. Why? Because I should not have to.
  5. Why? Because I did not structure my time well.

Delving deeper

When you don’t let yourself off the hook, you get to really dig down and discover what it is that stops you from achieving the outcomes you want or the goals you have set yourself. You will soon get to the root of the problem, especially if it is a recurring issue.

Then – and only then – can you start to work on the solutions. Awareness is always the first step towards change.

This is not an easy process to go through, but you are the person who will benefit from it. It will help you to discover the things that hold you back from achieving the dreams you have and the life you want.


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