Commonly held beliefs that don’t do us any good, pt 3

Image: diego cervo / Adobe Stock

Belief #3: Vet science is much harder than other jobs

You’ve heard those conversations where vets pontificate about the injustice of their lot in life and their poor career choices.

We love to share stories about old acquaintances who are invariably less talented and not nearly as smart as us (we’re vets after all – the cream of the intellectual cream), yet have magical careers where they do almost nothing all day, get paid squillions and have three-month holidays every year that they spend frolicking on their yachts; while we express anal glands for 27 hours a day and get paid less than the pot plants in the reception area at the dentist’s office…

Interesting job

Well, have you ever listened to a group of people from other professions complain about their jobs – especially when they’ve had a few drinks? The bitching!

When was the last time you asked someone about the details of his or her job? About what they do on a day-to-day basis; about the politics, paperwork and bureaucracy – all the dirty nitty-gritty?

But I bet many people have asked you about your job, because guess what – it’s interesting! People love hearing about we do, while poor Kevin from accounts probably never even has the chance to complain about his job because no one ever asks…

Some individuals genuinely appear to have shimmering careers that they truly seem to love, but to me, the vast majority of other people’s jobs seem to fall somewhere on a spectrum between soul-crushing boredom and high stakes ulcer-causing, relationship-busting stress.

Think about the positives

Yes, our job has some very real challenges, but so does any career. What we tend to ignore are all the great things about a career in veterinary science – variety, autonomy, never-ending opportunities for continued learning and acquisition of new skills, the potential for leadership positions or business ownership…

We can travel with our degree. We can work full-time, part-time or night time. We can choose to be generalists or push ourselves into challenging specialisms, or take a left turn into a completely different pathway, such as teaching, industry or government. We get to do a job that people swoon over on the media.

Living the dream

Do you have any idea how many people would give anything to have a veterinary degree? To have the privilege of actually getting paid to work with animals? True, they probably don’t fully understand what it actually involves to work with animals, but the reality is we get to do the thing many of us dreamed of doing as youngsters. How many other careers can put all of that on their CV?

I’m all for striving to improve the profession and making it an even better career to be in, but sometimes we need to see the gift we have under our noses. Yes, sometimes it’s hard being a vet – sometimes work is hard. But this is not a unique feature of our profession.

However, if your career really isn’t going the way you want it to, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate how you’ve used your veterinary degree so far, rather than the fact you chose to have one to begin with.

“But the pay is so bad”, I hear you say. We’ll talk about that next time…


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